User Journey

When initiating a session (POST api/session/initiate), Endgrate comes built-in with flags you can turn on to customize the user experience.

Below are a list of UX customization options for the /session route that you redirect your end users too.

Integration Provider Selection

When no provider is specified, the user will be prompted to choose which integration provider to connect with.

Schema Selection



If passthrough_schemas is true, the schema_selection value will be ignored and this page will always be shown.

When schema_selection is true, the user will be prompted to choose which schemas to push and pull. Additionally, if passthrough_schemas is true, the user will be able to add any desired custom objects.

When schema_selection is false, all provided schemas will be utilized for both push and pull.

Resource Selection

When resource_selection is true, the user will be prompted to choose the integrations for the schemas in the session.

When resource_selection is false, integrations will be selected automatically using our AI decision engine.

Field Selection

When field_selection is true, the user will be prompted to configure the field mapping. Additionally, if passthrough_fields is true, the user will be able to add any desired custom fields.

When field_selection is false, the fields will be mapped automatically using our AI decision engine. Additionally, if passthrough_fields is true, all custom fields will be added.


When statistics is true:

  • When save_session is false, the user will be brought to a statistics screen after authenticating and configuring any integration-specific settings.
  • When save_session is true, the user will be brought to a success screen.

When statistics is false, the user will be brought to a success screen.

URL Redirect

When a redirect_url is provided, the user will be redirected to the specified url after authenticating and configuring any integration-specific settings.